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Det palæstinensiske civilsamfunds appel om BDS

9. juli 2005

Det palæstinensiske civilsamfund opfordrer til Boykot, De-investering og Sanktioner mod Israel indtil de overholder international lov og universelle menneskerettigheder

Et år efter den historisk rådgivende udtalelse fra Den Internationale Domstol (ICJ) der fandt Israels Murbyggeri på besat palæstinensisk område ulovlig, fortsætter Israel med dets konstruktion af koloniseringsmuren med total foragt for domstolens afgørelse.
I 38 år har Israel fastholdt besættelsen af den palæstinensiske Vestbred (herunder Østjerusalem), Gaza-striben og de syriske Golan-højderne og fortsætter med at udvide de jødiske kolonier. De har ensidigt annekteret det besatte Øst Jerusalem og Golan-højderne og er nu ved de facto at annektere store dele af Vestbredden ved hjælp af Muren. Israel forbereder også i skyggen af dets planlagte omgruppering fra Gaza-Striben , at bygge og udvide kolonier på Vestbredden. 57 år efter staten Israel blev oprettet ,hovedsagelig på land gennem etnisk udrensning af dets palæstinensiske ejere, er et flertal af palæstinensere flygtninge, hvoraf de fleste er statsløse. Desuden indrettede Israel et forskansningssystem med racediskrimination imod det egne arabisk-palæstinensiske som stadig er intakt.

I lys af Israels vedvarende krænkelser af folkeretten;

På baggrund af hundreder af FN-resolutioner siden 1948 har fordømt Israels koloniale og diskriminerende politik som ulovlig og opfordrer til øjeblikkelige, passende og effektive retsmidler;

Da alle former for international intervention og fredsbestræbelser indtil nu ikke kunnet overbevise Israel eller tvinge Israel til at overholde den humanitære folkeret, og respektere grundlæggende menneskerettigheder og afslutte det besættelse og undertrykkelse af det palæstinensiske folk;

I betragtning af den kendsgerning, at folk med samvittighed i det internationale samfund historisk har påtaget sig et moralsk ansvar for at bekæmpe uretfærdighed, som det skete i kampen for at afskaffe apartheid i Sydafrika gennem forskellige former for boykot, de-investering og sanktioner;

Inspireret af sydafrikanernes kamp mod apartheid og i en ånd af international solidaritet, moralsk konsekvens og modstand mod uretfærdighed og undertrykkelse;

Opfordrer vi repræsentanter for det palæstinensiske civilsamfund det internationale civilsamfunds organisationer og mennesker med samvittighed over hele verden til at indføre bred boykot og gennemføre de-investerings initiativer mod Israel på samme måde som blev påført Sydafrika under apartheid æraen. Vi opfordrer til at man presser sine respektive stater til at påføre Israel embargo og sanktioner. Vi vil også invitere samvittighedsfulde israelere til at støtte denne opfordring, af hensyn til retfærdighed og ægte fred.

Disse ikke voldelige straffeforanstaltninger bør opretholdes indtil Israel opfylder sine forpligtigelser om at anerkende det palæstinensiske folks umistelige ret til selvbestemmelse og fuldt ud overholder forskrifterne for international ret ved:

1.Afslutte sin besættelse og kolonisering af alle arabiske landområder og demontering af Muren.

2. Anerkender Israels arabisk-palæstinensiske indbyggeres fundamentale rettigheder om fuld ligestilling; og

3. Respekterer, beskytter og fremmer de palæstinensiske flygtninges ret til tilbagevende til deres hjem og ejendomme som fastsat i FN resolution 194.

Udtalelse fra:

De palæstinensiske politiske partier, fagforeninger, koalitioner og organisationer nedenfor repræsenterer de tre integrerede dele af det palæstinensiske folk: Palæstinensiske flygtninge, palæstinensere under besættelse og palæstinensiske indbyggere i Israel.

Fagforeninger, foreninger, kampagner

Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine (Coordinating body for the major political parties in the Occupied Palestinian Territory)

Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen’s Rights (PICCR)

Union of Arab Community Based Associations (ITTIJAH), Haifa

Forum of Palestinian NGOs in Lebanon

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU)

General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW)

General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT)

Federation of Unions of Palestinian Universities’ Professors and Employees

Consortium of Professional Associations

Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees (UPMRC)

Health Work Committees – West Bank

Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)

Union of Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC)

Union of Health Work Committees – Gaza (UHWC)

Union of Palestinian Farmers

Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative (OPGAI)

General Union of Disabled Palestinians

Palestinian Federation of Women’s Action Committees (PFWAC)

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)

Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign

Union of Teachers of Private Schools

Union of Women’s Work Committees, Tulkarem (UWWC)

Dentists’ Association – Jerusalem Center

Palestinian Engineers Association

Lawyers’ Association

Network for the Eradication of Illiteracy and Adult Education, Ramallah

Coordinating Committee of Rehabilitation Centers – West Bank

Coalition of Lebanese Civil Society Organizations (150 organizations)

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR), Network of Student- based Canadian University Associations

Refugee Rights Associations/Organizations

Al-Ard Committees for the Defense of the Right of Return, Syria

Al-Awda Charitable Society, Beit Jala

Al Awda – Palestine Right-to-Return Coalition, U.S.A

Al-Awda Toronto

Aidun Group – Lebanon

Aidun Group – Syria

Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center, Aida refugee camp

Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Internally Displaced (ADRID), Nazareth

BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, Bethlehem

Committee for Definite Return, Syria

Committee for the Defense of Palestinian Refugee Rights, Nablus

Consortium of the Displaced Inhabitants of Destroyed Palestinian Villages and Towns

Filastinuna – Commission for the Defense of the Right of Return, Syria

Handala Center, ‘Azza (Beit Jibreen) refugee camp, Bethlehem

High Committee for the Defense of the Right of Return, Jordan

(including personal endorsement of 71 members of parliament, political parties and unions in Jordan)

High National Committee for the Defense of the Right of Return , Ramallah

International Right of Return Congress (RORC)

Jermana Youth Forum for the Defense of the Right of Return, Syria

Laji Center, Aida camp, Bethlehem

Local Committee for Rehabilitation, Qalandia refugee camp, Jerusalem

Local Committee for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, Deheishe refugee camp, Bethlehem

Palestinian National Committee for the Defense of the Right of Return, Syria

Palestinian Return Association, Syria
Palestinian Return Forum, Syria
Palestine Right-of-Return Coalition (Palestine, Arab host countries, Europe, North America)

Palestine Right-of-Return Confederation-Europe (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden)

Palestinian Youth Forum for the Right of Return, Syria

PLO Popular Committees – West Bank refugee camps

PLO Popular Committees – Gaza Strip refugee camps

Popular Committee – al-’Azza (Beit Jibreen) refugee camp, Bethlehem

Popular Committee – Deheishe refugee camp, Bethlehem

Shaml – Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Center, Ramallah

Union of Women’s Activity Centers – West Bank Refugee Camps

Union of Youth Activity Centers – Palestine Refugee Camps, West Bank and Gaza

Women’s Activity Center – Deheishe refugee camp, Bethlehem

Yafa Cultural Center, Balata refugee camp, Nablus


Abna’ al-Balad Society, Nablus

Addameer Center for Human Rights, Gaza

Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association, Ramallah

Alanqa’ Cultural Association, Hebron

Al-Awda Palestinian Folklore Society, Hebron

Al-Doha Children’s Cultural Center, Bethlehem

Al-Huda Islamic Center, Bethlehem

Al-Jeel al-Jadid Society, Haifa

Al-Karameh Cultural Society, Um al-Fahm

Al-Maghazi Cultural Center, Gaza

Al-Marsad Al-Arabi, occupied Syrian Golan Heights

Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, Gaza

Al-Nahda Cultural Forum, Hebron

Al-Taghrid Society for Culture and Arts, Gaza

Alternative Tourism Group, Beit Sahour (ATG)

Al-Wafa’ Charitable Society, Gaza

Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Arab Association for Human Rights, Nazareth (HRA)

Arab Center for Agricultural Development (ACAD)

Arab Center for Agricultural Development-Gaza

Arab Educational Institute – Open Windows (affiliated with Pax Christie International)

Arab Orthodox Charitable Society – Beit Sahour

Arab Orthodox Charity – Beit Jala

Arab Orthodox Club – Beit Jala

Arab Orthodox Club – Beit Sahour

Arab Students’ Collective, University of Toronto

Arab Thought Forum, Jerusalem (AFT)

Association for Cultural Exchange Hebron – France

Association Najdeh, Lebanon

Authority for Environmental Quality, Jenin

Bader Society for Development and Reconstruction, Gaza

Canadian Palestine Foundation of Quebec, Montreal

Center for the Defense of Freedoms, Ramallah

Center for Science and Culture, Gaza

Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ramallah- Al-Bireh District

Child Development and Entertainment Center, Tulkarem

Committee for Popular Participation, Tulkarem

Defense for Children International-Palestine Section, Ramallah (DCI/PS)

El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe

Ensan Center for Democracy and Human Rights, Bethlehem

Environmental Education Center, Bethlehem

FARAH – Palestinian Center for Children, Syria

Ghassan Kanafani Society for Development, Gaza

Ghassan Kanafani Forum, Syria

Gaza Community Mental Health Program, Gaza (GCMHP)

Golan for Development, occupied Syrian Golan Heights

Halhoul Cultural Forum, Hebron

Himayeh Society for Human Rights, Um al-Fahm

Holy Land Trust – Bethlehem

Home of Saint Nicholas for Old Ages – Beit Jala

Human Rights Protection Center, Lebanon

In’ash al-Usrah Society, Ramallah

International Center of Bethlehem (Dar An-Nadweh)

Islah Charitable Society-Bethlehem

Jafra Youth Center, Syria

Jander Center, al-Azza (Beit Jibreen) refugee camp, Bethlehem

Jerusalem Center for Women, Jerusalem (JCW)

Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC )

Khalil Al Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah

Land Research Center, Jerusalem (LRC)

Liberated Prisoners’ Society, Palestine

Local Committee for Social Development, Nablus

Local Committee for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled, Nablus

MA’AN TV Network, Bethlehem

Medical Aid for Palestine, Canada

MIFTAH-Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, Ramallah

Muwatin-The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy

National Forum of Martyr’s Families, Palestine

Near East Council of Churches Committee for Refugee Work – Gaza Area

Network of Christian Organizations – Bethlehem (NCOB)

Palestinian Council for Justice and Peace, Jerusalem

Palestinian Counseling Center, Jerusalem (PCC)

Palestinian Democratic Youth Union, Lebanon

Palestinian Farmers’ Society, Gaza

Palestinian Hydrology Group for Water and Environment Resources


Palestinian Prisoners’ Society-West Bank

Palestinian Society for Consumer Protection, Gaza

Palestinian University Students’ Forum for Peace and Democracy, Hebron

Palestinian Women’s Struggle Committees

Palestinian Working Women Society for Development (PWWSD)

Popular Art Centre, Al-Bireh

Prisoner’s Friends Association – Ansar Al-Sajeen, Majd al-Krum

Public Aid Association, Gaza

Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies

Saint Afram Association – Bethlehem

Saint Vincent De Paule – Beit Jala

Senior Citizen Society – Beit Jala

Social Development Center, Nablus

Society for Self-Development, Hebron

Society for Social Work, Tulkarem

Society for Voluntary Work and Culture, Um al-Fahm

Society of Friends of Prisoners and Detainees, Um al-Fahm

Sumoud-Political Prisoners Solidarity Group, Toronto

Tamer Institute for Community Education, Ramallah

TCC – Teacher’s Creativity Center, Ramallah

Wi’am Center, Bethlehem

Women’s Affairs Technical Committee, Ramallah and Gaza (WATC)

Women’s Studies Center, Jerusalem (WSC)

Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling, Jerusalem (WCLAC)

Yafa for Education and Culture, Nablus

Yazour Charitable Society, Nablus

YMCA-East Jerusalem

Youth Cooperation Forum, Hebron


Zakat Committee-al-Khader, Bethlehen

Zakat Committee-Deheishe camp, Bethlehem

The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People (PCR)
Alternative Voice in the Galilee (AVIG)

Oversat fra engelsk
for Boykot Israel Kampagen
ved HPJ